Currently 14 teams active. 23 teams(grey) have gone dormant/inactive. And 6 teams have had their courts demolished (black), so definitely never coming back. As usual, click on the pic to zoom in and read the labels.
It looks like only the really organised clubs have retained ladies squash, some of the other strong clubs from the mens point of view have not put extra effort into ladies squash and the ladies game has withered there.
Ladies league timeline - Green is good, grey is bad, black is fatal! |
Of the pro-Ladies clubs, Abercorn, ESC, Edinburgh University, Grange, Watsonians & Waverley have never missed a season of ladies team squash since they started!
Quite a few clubs have disbanded their ladies teams, only to later re-form for a Take That comeback tour, but my graph is difficult to represent that so I've just filled in the blank years or in the case of current teams, given them a duplicate row. Dalgety Bay and David Lloyd are among those of the current crop that have done this.
West Lothian is, I believe, a club that used to play out of Bathgate. Anybody know where the Loch Centre team played, 1985-88? Answer: Here, and apparently the 2 courts are still open for play in Tranent.