Thursday, 22 March 2007

Firsts home v Marcos 2 (Wed, Mar 22,'07)

We needed 4 points to guarantee promotion and with Messrs Hamer, Gordon and Brown unavailable, it was not going to be a cakewalk against Marcos, who needed 9 points to guarantee winning the division. Gerald was chef d'equipe for the night so he went on first at #2. He was really pumped up for it after his marathon five game win over Stokesy in the club championship. He outshot and out-stared Matthew Hunter 3-0, even applauding his own mis-hits.

Peter Cockburn subbed-up against #5 Mike Hay and lost out 0-3. Alan Stokes got to 1-1 against #3 David Thompson but had to concede with a groin injury. Christy went 2-0 up against #4 Nick Wood but flagged badly to lose 2-3. Mike Perring traded with Paul deMarco at the front too much and lost the first but from there ground out a 3-1 win. Job done.

Overall 2-3 (9-13).

Gerald didn't disappoint with suffolk-size portions of baked-potato and chilli filling.

Man of the match: Gerald Suggett got us the promotion points and Feed of the season.


Anonymous said...

The final points count in Div 4 reads:
Marcos 2 268
Watsons3 259
Grange 1 243
Col-Muss 237
If the top 3 move up to Div 3 next year, they will most likely be our rivals for demotion... which means, unlike this year, we'll need to get our strongest team out against them to stay up.

Anonymous said...

Any word on what's happening at Marcos next season?

There was talk of the courts closing last time I was there. Having said that these rumours have been going around for the last decade.


Anonymous said...

Whoosh. Whoosh. That is the sound of the vultures circling Marcos. Paul deMarco was in our bar after his match & said that squash will definitely have another season there. The difference between this time and the last time they were planning a development is that this time a developer has made the family an offer contingent on planning consent, and is pushing through the planning application for them.

So it all depends on the council/local residents and the developers seem to be doing all the "best practice" things the council likes - cycle paths, low cost student accom, parking, getting-local-residents-onside. I know from Grange experience that getting planning for change-of-use from sport amenity to commercial residential is very difficult.
Marco's have contributed for a number of decades to squash in Edinburgh and while it will be sad to see them go, they couldn't have done more for the game. Paul deM said there was a chance that if the development went through, they would use the money to develop a sports facility at the Corn Exchange that they also own.
The bottom line is that teams will be playing out of Grove St for at least another season. Who knows after that.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't really looking at the possibility of getting a few "bonusman" transfers. Just wondering what's going on.

A cyclepath would be quite good on Grove Street as there aren't many places to cut through until Fountainbridge.


Anonymous said...

I was only winding you up, Richard about poaching Marco's players. Mind you, one of them mentioned that he was nearer to Myreside than Marcos.

Cycle paths are very useful, as long as you can keep the mini-motorbike kids off them.

Anonymous said...

Asuuming that the leagues are three-up three down, have you see who's coming down from division two ....

Edinburgh Sports Club 3, Colinton Castle 3 and Abercorn 1.

Watsonians are starting their pre-season training early this summer.


Anonymous said...

I hope only 2 will get demoted as there are only 9 teams in Div 2 after Dunfermline withdrew. Demoting just 2 would be one way to get back to 10 teams but you'd have to do it in Div 2-6 which would leave Div 6 with 9 teams. It would be better to just promote 2 teams from Div 2 which would make Div 1 have 10 teams instead of 11 but that might not be possible this year. It all depends on whether there are other teams withdrawing or joining(unlikely) next season.

Colinton 3, Abercorn 1 and Sports Club 3 against Grange 1 or Watsonians3 in Div 3 would be a toughie.

Grange 1 start pre-season training in mid Oct as usual ;-)