Friday, 1 February 2008

Firsts away v Deer Park 2 (Thurs 31.01.08)

With leaders Colinton losing for the first time last week against Dalgety Bay, there are now only 12 points between us and 6 matches remaining. The contest for 1st place is back on!

It's cold courts at Deer Park. Talent Hamer and Mair were out of action, and whilst 4 of us were making our mental rehearsals, Perring sat in snow drifts for half the day. This one was not going to be easy. Half the tubes were blown on one court so it was like playing in a cave.

Dougie played Mark, Deer Park 3's T-dominating unbeaten no.1, in a close match, but Dougie's consistency and touch won through 3-1.
Christy won against Malcolm Lochrie 3-1.
Gerald and Sandra's match took place in the coldest and darkest room in the building. Gerald's fat reserves did not serve him so well against the cold but his night vision proved superior 3-0.
Al took a cold dip next and plunged into darkness with John Miller. It was looking bad at 1 game and 4-8 down in the 2nd, but Al defied 5 game balls and finished 3-1.
Mike was cruising against Milan Govan and won 3-1. (apart from playing the first like he was still stuck in the car behind a snow plow and getting grannied).

Overall 5-0, 20-6 on points. Colinton, we're coming to get you!

We tucked into soup, sarnies and soft drinks in the bar.

Man of the match: vote this week for Ali G's comeback, Gerald's night vision, or Dougie's tough win. Christy says Ali G!

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