Monday, 24 November 2008

Firsts home v Waverley, Wed, Nov 19, 08)

Awaiting captain's report, here is some info from Chris Mair when I met him in the corridoor...
Ian Green at #1 got nothing from Chris Ferguson 0-3
Brian Buchanan #2 close but no cigar v Iain Murray 0-3
Chris Mair #3 likewise v Andrew Leitch, puffing a bit in the 4th.
Mike Perring #4 got the sole win of the night 3-2.
Ali G had a gruelling at #5 against Dave Ferguson who said it was the best match he'd played in years, 2-3

Overall 1-4, 8-17 on points. CL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any points won against that Waverley team is a bonus. They would be very comfortable in division one

Don't tell Davie Ferguson that I said that.