Saturday, 7 March 2009

Firsts @ ESC3 (Wed, Feb 4,'09)

GRG1 lost 1-4(correction 2-3) and by 11-16. Ian Green won 3-1 against Barry, Brian Buchanan lost against Fraser 2-3, Chris Mair lost to Drew 0-3, Mike Perring won 3-1 against Ian Gray and Mike Hall lost 1-3 to Nicol. ESC looked to have a strong team out with two new faces at 1&2. A disappointing night but looking at the score board I don't think it will sink the ship.

Last match against CC2 next friday with as strong a team as we've had out this half. Should be good for the points. (CM)


Anonymous said...

A truly shocking result for GRG1 and a coupon buster for all those betting syndicates in the Far East who wager millions on the ESSA leagues. (Before the legal teams move in I should say that I don't actually know if anyone does bet money on these results, but I had this one down as a relatively easy win for GRG1.)

CCS2 won 20-3 against WTN3s this week so both GRG1 and CCS2 are currently on 239 points, before the big showdown next Friday night. GRG1 will really need to pull their socks up if the end of the season isn't just going to drift away. But the damage may already have been done.

Fantastic result for ESC3s. Only their third win of the half - the others being against lowly DNB1 and almost as lowly WTN3.

GrangeSquashClub said...

Thanks for the info, Rich.
This is the first time GRG have asked for a deferral in 10 years, so with us slightly weaker and ESC slightly stronger, I doubt if the betting firms legal departments will be over-interested.

As you say, work to be done in the coming week.(CL)
ps Can you put something in the Name box when entering a comment, just to distinguish yourself from the other anonymouses, squeak squeak!

Anonymous said...

It woz me.


Anonymous said...

When there's a mention of:
a) Food or
b) Watsons
then it's usually you, Richard. You shold just give yourself the name "Myreside_food_marker" ;-)

Anonymous said...

If two people win a match then surely Grange lost 2-3 and not 1-4.

Anonymous said...

Good spot. Maybe it felt like 1-4 to Chris. I'll read his reports before I cut 'n paste them the next time ;-)