Friday, 9 October 2009

Fourth team at Abercorn twos, Wed (Oct 7,'09)

The first ever Fourth Team from Grange has a successful debut outing, wa hey!

From what I heard, everyone had a fairly comfortable win except #1 Ian Forbes whose fitness saw him through in the end 3-1. At #3 there was the battle of the 2 Andys as Grange's Whitelaw took on Abercorn's Speight, 3-0 to the Grange man. Dean Wood at #4, Neil Love and young Colin Williamson at #2 all cleaned out in their matches.
Overall 5-0, 18-1
(plus 2 ref bonus points I assume). Food report: Pizza plus home baking (quiche & scones), plenty for all .


Anonymous said...

It's now Friday 16th October. Are you still feasting away Christy?

We are hungry for the food report.


Christy said...

Unfortunately my corespondent has failed to come up with a food review, not to mind a team report.
Does he not know where his priorities lay ;-?

Loob said...

Food report now included, to get Richie salivating ;-)