Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Grange 2 v Mammas 1 Tues 10.11.09

Good matches against the Mammas team.

5. Al was in the comfort zone with Brian, 3-0.

4. Pete Cockburn had his work cut out with John Rae who has a sixth sense giving him superb anticipation. Pete was undeterred though and came though 3-1. Chris Mair was being assessed as level 3 referee, but this gentlemanly affair produced only 2 out of the 10 decisions he needed.

3. Chris moved onto Dougie's game against Stewart, but such tight shot making and graceful clearance of the ball gave no decisions after the first game! In the end Dougie won 3-1 with only 2 decisions in total, but Chris had given up and gone next door after the first game...

2. Lets, strokes and appeals abounded and Chris was done in no time, quickly followed by Robin Steel! Mike Hall and Scott's high paced game was close on points but Mike held control throughout to win 3-0.

1. Tony played Roger Moore. Roger did everything right and with forward T position was able to pick up Tony's low shots that are deadly to the rest of us. I shan't let Tony forget losing the second from 8-4 up. A good match to watch. Roger won 3-0.

Overall a solid 4-1 win, 17-7 on points. Pizzas are probably not the best choice when Mammas visit, but we had them all the same. Much of the bar chat centred around experiences of Jim Dougal, and how best to deal with unusual players. John Rae proved to be a font of experience in this regard, and shared with us the safest place to be on court with the Looby windmill (under his armpit apparently).


Loob said...

"Windmill", I resemble that remark.

My armpits would be even more lethal from a Health & Safety point of view than my swing ;-)

al said...

Smells like a red herring to me then.

Loob said...

This is no plaice to make comments like that. Brevity is the sole of wit.