Saturday, 30 January 2010

mighty Thirds home v Royal Bank (Thurs 28 Jan '10)

Captain Cockburn had the heating on early and Rob Pfab went on the cold court with Eric Donohoe. Rob was back from 3weeks surfing in Morocco but adapted o the ice box and went thru Eric in 3. Stokesy was up againt a very strong #3 in Lewy Parkinson, the gloves came off in the secon and in the third he got his nose ahead only to be pipped at the post: 0-3.

Christy had the upper hand over Richard Maspero 3-0. Mark D was his usual entertaining self, the dive was re-introduced after a long abscence (the balcony agreed that the dive was slower than a slow walk). The corkscrew serves ended when his opponent Neil Palepa(sp?) manage to get a stroke without playing a ball. To cap it all, Mark managed to hit himself in the nose with his own shot at point blank range from the wall. After all that, a 3-0 win.

Finally Peter Cockburn went on with Mark Adderley and soaked up everything thrown at him to take it 3-0. Overall 4-1, 17-5.

Talk back at Grange was of bankers bonuses and how 8 people could eat pizza for 10 without appearing gluttonous ;-)


Anonymous said...

Amazing that Rob can wash up in Edinburgh and play so well after 2 days!

GrangeSquashClub said...

He was looking sun-bleached and bronzed but not washed-out. Oh well, he'll be back to being peely-wally like the rest of us before the end of the squash season ;-)