Brian Sloan made his racketball team debut at 7pm versus Neil Kempsell. The first rally was a long one. The next rally was a loooooong one. The next rally was this lllLLLLoooOOOO....
OOOooonnnNNNgggGGGG. So were all the rallies.
They finished one hour 20 minutes later... Neil wanted to concede at 19-20 in the fifth but was told by Brian to stay on court until he was two clear.
Luckily the 3rd court came free. Dean saw off the Waverley #5 3-0.
Steve Eyles had a long 3-2 debut win over Bruce Ferguson... and took one for the team when Bruce hit him with the ball. Jordan played a second time at #7 and beat Peter Cochrane 3-0.
Guy Tulloch at #6 was 2-1 up on Dominic Risi when his opponent conceded with a ballooning elbow. Guy played best-of-3 with Peter Cochrane, an even match considering Peter has only ever played once before.
Christy finished at #1 against John Allan who should probably have been at 3 or four on the line-up was it not for the captain being late picking up Dean and his curry out on Gilmerton Rd and matches already having started out of order. If this was squash, we'd have to dock ourselves 18 points.
Our first win of our first campaign. All this training must be paying off.
Dean supplied a hot Hot HOOOOTTTTT veggie curry with naan and lashings of rice. Talk turned to roasting Donald Trump[1], [2], plus meeting Lucinda Ledgerwood off The Apprentice and the children's panel, eclectic topics as usual!
(*) The ladies club champ and the ladies R-up!
Here is The RacketBall Matrix, at least as far as our matches are concerned, as requested in the comments...