Back: Brian Buchanan(Mens R-up), Pete Young(Handicap R-up), Stephen Archibald(MLOTY winner), Dougie Brown(Mens plate), Roger Hamilton(Handicap Winner), Dave Jone(MLOTY R-up), Jules Lutte(MLOTY R-up), Dawn MacBrayne(Ladies plate R-up)
Front: Allan Hamer(Mens champ), Catherine John(Ladies R-up), Donna Cruickshank(Ladies champ), Jo Petty(Ladies plate), Christy Looby(Plate R-up)
What's a MLOTY? And how come there's only one winner of MLOTY but two runner-ups?
Dear Midnight Oil Burner,
That's a Mini Leaguer Of The Year to you, sir.
Whoever gets the most points over the 5 mini-leagues wins. There are two Runners-up that the league secretary decides subjectively and of equal merit: one is the most-improved-over-the-5- months and the other is something like played-the-most-matches or beat-the-most-guys in the case of this year ;-)
hope that answers your question, caller
No more questions from me, thank you, m'lord.
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