Sunday, 9 October 2011

Fours at Edin Sports Club 4s (Thurs, Oct 6)

Food Glorious Food!

What is there to say about the 4s match versus ESC 4s. The food we were given was fantastic – sumptuous helpings of pasta bake and garlic bread both accompanied by an excellent salad topped with a very tasty dressing. Grange players, never give up the opportunity to play the Sports Club away if you are in need of nourishment.

The game was played in a very friendly manner with excellent chat afterwards.

Oh by the way, Brian Sloan, Stephen Davey and Rocco each won a game. Neil Love maintained his double barrel surname - Love Love and Pete Young was also unfortunately whitewashed.

We were gubbed, 20pts – 5pts!

Funniest moment of the evening for me was hearing that upon Rocco sussing out the umpire of his match was being very generous regarding ‘strokes’ then began to ask for everything to the extent that his watching teammates feared he would start asking for a stroke due to his opponent being on the same court!

The only way is up! (report: Brian Sloan)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first paragraph told us everything that we needed to know . . . . . . food . . . . . glorious . . . . . tasty . . . . . sumptuous . . . .

The pot-bellies of Myreside agree that ESC is always good.