Monday, 2 December 2013

Grange 2 v Edinburgh University 2

27th Nov saw GRG2 host Edinburgh University 2 at home.  A tough fixture against well-bred, bored-looking but well-spoken whippersnappers and with the usual captain of arms Sloan on first team duty Wallace stepped forward to captain Messrs Forbes (2nd string), Stokes (3), Brown  (4), Whitelaw (5) to a victory … of sorts.
At 5th String Whitelaw obviously drinking beforehand – or drunk with success from surviving his 9thconsecutive game of squash in 7 days – dispatches his opponent Shaakir Salam with customary verve in the first game 9-5, and then I can only imagine goes on a mystic journey within, to lose the next two games in a matter of minutes.  Andy rallies in the 4th to take it 9-5 and it looks like he’s done it again but loses out after digging deep in the 5th.  2 valuable points to Grange.
At 4th Brown wins the Silver Fox Man of the Match who must have tied an invisible string to young Neil Campbell who was in all corners of the court twice a rally for most of the match and never really caught onto the annoying well place dinky wee drop shots – sound thrashing delivered - 3 points Grange.
3rd string Stokes mans up against Luke Park – I didn’t see much of this one and gladly wasn’t marking but did witness Stokes with a pint in his hand soon after claiming to have lost 3-1 ad the pizzas were ordered, but another crucial point in what I gathered was a hard fought game.
2nd sees Forbes reinvent himself into an aggressive go-getter and bad ass that trumps Emmanuel Cedillo (who looked quite handy) in a straight 3-0, not without effort but I saw this and it was all Forbes Forbes Forbes.  Nicely done.  “Tres puntos por Grange, muy triste!” as Emmanuel says in his native land, I imagine.
1st was the longest game of the night lasting 137 changes of serve.  Wallace takes 1st easily enough 9-5 to lose the 2nd, win the 3rd, lose the 4th and be closed out in the 5th  by a steady Luke Hardingham.  3-2 against.  Too many errors at the front of the court and a phantom referee from the balcony - but it was all over by that stage of the game – put paid to a traditional victory but read on…
11 points for GRG2 + 2 ref points = 13 points. 
9 points for EU2 + 3 match points = 12 points. 
So a victory (of sorts) for GRG2 and an enjoyable evening with great squash and good guys from EUS2.



Anonymous said...

Some good stats in this report.

My fave is that there were 137 changes of serve.

GRG2 lost the match and come away with 13 points.

EUS2 won the match but only went home with 12 points.

Time for another vote on these refereeing points at the next ESSRA AGM perhaps??????


Anonymous said...

the ref points are a waste of time and need scrapped