Thursday, 22 January 2015

Mamma's pay Grange a visit...

Grange 2’s delivered another win on the new courts – this week seeing off a strong challenge from Mamma’s Pizzeria.

Playing at 5th string, Grange’s Catherine John pulled through in five games vs. John Davidson… a great standard of squash in what was an important match for the home team.  Good to see King Colin Williamson back in the fold at 4th string – winning in three solid games vs. Stuart Williamson (no relation).  Matt Ross at no. 3 – fresh from holiday and owning his position in the team.  A relatively comfortable win in three games with Scott Cary struggling to keep up with the fast pace. 

From here it turned sour.  Stuart Moffat and Neil McAllister had a game of who could hit the ball hardest.  Neil took it in three games (credit due) – giving Moff plenty to consider during his Winter hibernation to the Caribbean.

Perhaps most alarming was yours truly versus the old fox with the bushy tail - John Rae.  John edged me out easily in the first half of the season and I was keen on revenge.  Cruising in the first game, the wheels soon came off and Mr Rae played it cool to close it out 3-1.  Whilst there’s always next year, I’m not holding my breath - the East of Scotland’s very own Benjamin Button is likely to be in even better shape come next season!
Anyway, good result for Grange 2s and more much-needed points (now safely in the top half of the table).

The Sloan Ranger.

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