Gerald was lean, honed and hungry, and took Bruce Johnstone 3-0.
Christy won a clean 3-0 against Chris Milne.
Al slogged it out against the manic Shane Presley, 3-1.
Chris took a pummelling off Rod Binns early on, but dug in for 3-1.
Mike out-psyched Ricky Pratt with new headgear, 3-1.
Overall 5-0, 20-6 on points.
Franco took care of the food.
Man of the match: It's the eye of the tiger, it's the cream of the fight. Risin' up to the challenge of our rival. Chris Mair.
Classic report, Ali G. Keep it up.
Division 3 is shaping up to be a nail-biter.
Colinton are looking good with no losses, yet, and I'll be surprised if they do lose after the demise of their 1st team in division one. They also have the benefit of the Friday night home matches (20-25 points a season, perhaps someone could do some analysis?)
Grange are currently top of the league and could continue with some depth of talent lurking in the second team if needed.
Watsonians 3 are in third place just now having recovered from 2 consecutive losses. They have also (finally) realised the benefits of the points for markers. WTN3 are only 47 points behind Grange, but with a game in hand.
Dalgety Bay are right behind WTN3 and will always benefit from the Fife syndrome (FS). FS is my ability to get lost anywhere outside the city boundaries.
ESC4 are in 5th just now, but such is the depth of their membership that they could probably beat anyone on their day.
Heriot Watt University 2s - I just don't understand who can and cannot represent this university.
Mammas - everyone's favourite Friday night away team. They'll be safe if they can get their best players out most weeks. Has anyone seen John Rae this season?
Lloyds - seem to be having problems raising a team quite a lot of the time.
Abercorn and Deer Park - both need a lot of improvement if they are to stay in division 3 next season.
Remember to vote for your fave away food on www.watsoniansquash.co.uk.
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