Monday, 10 December 2007

Seconds away v Accies2 (Thursday, Dec 6, 07)

Thanks to Christie for posting my very rushed summary of last week's second team match.
Here follows a more coherent version for posterity.

#5- Pete Tweedie vs Dave McCall (0-3). The same story as the few previous weeks. A bad start. followed by a recovery that clearly showed he could have won the match but just too late to re-float the ship. A pulled leg muscle wasn't helping his cause either.
#4- Steve Davey vs Matt Ross (2-3). The super-sub very nearly did it for us (again). In the best match of the night he shared the honours at 2 games each and it was looking like the 5th would go his way when he was 2-0 up. However a brief purple patch from his opponent suddenly saw Steve at 2-8 down and despite halting the slide with a number of handouts the damage had already been done.
#3- Pete Cockburn vs Taryne Lowe (0-3). Pete once again played well but once again was up against a very good player (again) The 0-3 result was never really in doubt.
#2-Alan Stokes vs Ali Fleming (1-3) A very good match with honours even after the first two games and it could have gone either way. Ali picked up the pace in the third and fourth and edged away. It would have to be noted that the referee had a very strict (although at least consistent) interpretation of what constituted a let or stroke and Alan was several times on the end of calls that all folk on the balcony would have given the other way. Credit due to Alan for the restrained manner of his appeals and ultimate acceptance of the calls.
#1- Mark Dutton vs David Shaw (0-3). The repeated execution by David of overhead slams into the nick in the warmup should have been a warning....and it wuz. The 0-3 result was never really in doubt. Some decent play but up against a player of a better standard.

Overall...just 3 points to our name and deeper into oblivion we go.....

Next week is our big chance against Tyne. Gotta win that one...

Mark Dutton

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