Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Results of the 5th Minileague

Another very busy league with 15 leagues and 94 players involved, and despite a number of injuries, a record equalling 169 games played! Well done to leagues 3 and 4 where all 15 games were played - demonstrating the competition for team places these days!

The results of the league are here ..... 2008 Winter League 5

Unbeaten players this month were Richard Van Lienden, Will Henderson, Mike Slack, Iain Macnab, Chris Braun, Alastair Ross, Mike Dougall and Tim Ferguson. There remains a strong core of players who are consistent in getting all their games played - out of those will shortly be selected a "Minileaguer of the Year" - watch this space!

For those interested, here is the full set of new leagues ..... 2008 Winter League 6

Enjoy this last winter league - there will be summer leagues starting after the court refurbishment - I am hoping for a repeat of the popular leagues last summer.

Enjoy your games

Dougie Brown


Anonymous said...

This must be the biggest and fastest growing mini league in Edinburgh now. What is the secret of your success?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, No secret. Dougie would probably give a different answer, modesty being his second name.
I would say the biggest factor is a core of members who really want to play squash and compete and improve at their own level. Plus a min-league secretary who is diligent and respected.
(PS Can you please give yourself a Name, any name, so we can distinguish Anonyomous from all the others, still stay anonymous. no URL needed. thanks. Email for more info)