Saturday, 9 January 2010

Grange 3 v Inveresk 17.12.09

Thanks to Alan Stokes for this overdue match report:
Censored, due to the author writing this at the bar on Fri and being out of his skull with de drink, te hee.
Grange 3 v Inveresk
Was it a bird, was it a plane was it a pride of lions? No it was the Thirds playing without their clothes on (woops Freudian slip) out of their skins.. Who did not get a game, although he was very chirpy ( not through sex allegedly, he has not heard this word for quite a while- It must have been drugs.- guess who..? AW
The Irishman went on court and should as usual have been in Amsterdam, what do they have in Amsterdam? Yes you got it – windmills!! Woops, sorry he was not there; he was only there for the Pizza. Always comes for the Pizza and to get away from the kids.

PC you thought that poser was pretty old in his demeanour, in fact he was younger than you, but you still only managed to get a game of him! PC went down 3-1
Not used to the calamity of the 3rds, he offered in the showers afterwards, Patrick a large piece of advice, Christy who heard about this afterwards at the meal, stated that he is the only person to offer large pieces of advice to the younger members of the team- his court case is only pending, that means he has not been found guilty yet.. Moving on
Alistair looked as though he had young children and his mother in Law had taken them to the park- hence he was very tired when he arrived for the match, having taken advantage of the ‘free time’ with his wife!! Although he won 3-0
There was a particularly good looking guy perusing over the balcony and this put Patrick off his stroke, until he realised it was Stokesy. (his coach) Then he started to concentrate again and won 3-2
Stokesy went on court with a someone older than him and managed to win 3-1.

The 3rds won 18-8 and have an unbeaten record for the first half of the season. We look forward to the next half season for more social interaction in the showers and even more squash.

Pete Cockburn v Adam Lord 1-3
Patrick Langley v John Brown 3-2
Al Gordon v Hardold Nesse 3-0
Alan Stokes v Willie Wood 3-1
Andy Whitelaw - w/o
Overall 18-8


al said...

Click here to report inappropriate content...

Anonymous said...

Don't know if the report is inappropriate or not.

Pete said...

Carry On Squashing!

Loob said...

Carry on carrying, more like, te hee.
I know the after-match banter is pretty surreal sometimes... but this report puts it up there with Eric Cantona and David Icke.
Anyway, thanks for the report Alan.

al said...

You may notice my version of the scores beneath bears little resemblence to the Stokes report! I also had to correct the opponent team name for him which says little for it's accuracy. Still, it was nice to have a week off and get a different point of view...