Friday, 26 April 2013

Scottish National Squash League - update

All the decisive matches have been played by the original deadline - but not published yet by SSRL.

The deadline was extended to May 12 and the playoffs postponed to Sun, May 26. The top four qualify for the playoffs.
Below are the up-to-date unofficial standings as per the SNSL statto/anorak:
Any further questions, just ask.


Anonymous said...

Why are there no clubs whose names begin with letters from the second half of the alphabet allowed to play?

And please don't give me the answer that they didn't ask to play. Give us a good stat explaining the reason please.

Club W.

GrangeSquashClub said...

Only SNSL Div 1 is shown here, clubs beginning A-M.

Div 2 clubs beginning N-Z are not online. Apparently a club beginning in W is making it to the Div 2 playoffs, and it's not Waverley, Western or Whitecraigs ;-)

Anonymous said...

How did the play-offs go?

GrangeSquashClub said...

They didn't. Yet.
In a typical SSRL clusterf*ck, their Events "Manager" has all the results but decided to postpone it to Jun 16 anyway. And drag everybody off to Bridge of Allan. And the results he has, are all transcribed wrong.
It makes me appreciate that ESSA is an unbelievably professional setup by comparison. Dougie Brown and Ron Pearman ran a pretty tight ship, in their spare time, unpaid.
Don't worry, play-offs might actually get played by the time I retire. Don't watch this space.

Anonymous said...

I see, thanks.

On the plus side Bridge of Allan do a mean chocolate cake.