Monday, 14 November 2011

Prizewinners & scores at Grange Open 2011

Full scores and details of Open A, B, C & D(38 players) click here, Ladies scores(6 players) click here.

Standing L-R: Chris Jeffrey(D-plate), Chris Weare(C R-up), John Rae(C-plate), Chris Brock(B R-up), John Smith(B-plate), Iain Tennant(A R-up),
Seated L-R: Senga Macfie(Ladies champion), Karen Kennedy(Ladies plate R-up),
Christy Looby(organiser), Mahmoud Moaz(Edin Uni SC), Peter O'Hara(Champion 2011), JJ McBride(A-plate), Lizzie Barry(Ladies plate)


David Legge said...

Christy well done as usual, a mammoth effort and a great weekend of squash. If SS don't mess things up fixture wise next year you might get the entry all your hard work deserves!
Bet you slept well last night!
Dave Legge

Anonymous said...

Nice one, Christy - but you look like a man with a concealed camera remote (or are you just pleased to see me?).

GrangeSquashClub said...

Just please to see you- the photo was taken by Ged O'Brien who is the Scottish Squash historian and came by to get a brain dump of Grange Squash history... the fact that he had a big camera around his neck sealed his fate.

Anonymous said...

It looked like lots of fun.

Elaine said...

Bring back the old days when I actually won some games!!


GrangeSquashClub said...

Aye, although you almost successfully dived into the plate.