Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Grange home v Waverley (15 May 2012-05-16)

First up tonight were Paul Dale taking on James Kelly and Nick Lyth taking on Mike Gibson. It's not often these days that Paul takes a 20 years advantage into games but showing his opponent no mercy Paul took the match 3-0 for his debut victory. Nick "would you like a let" Lyth looked commanding in his first game against Mike however politeness took hold in the second and this was courteously given to his opponent before he remembered that this was a team game, albeit not too serious, and stepped up a gear to take the match 3-1.
The next pairings were Jordan Fleming and Brian Scott and Andrew Beames and John Allan. Jordan started the night complaining of not feeling well however we were unsure if this was due to illness or the sight of Christy in the kitchen. Putting his nausea aside, Jordan raced into a 1-0 lead before an unusual pirouette movement led to a twisted ankle and the loss of the second. Composure returned however and to give the Grange another 3-1 win. Andrew was another making his full debut tonight and promptly despatched John 3-0. Unfortunately I didn't see much of this match however having played John myself earlier this year, an impressive victory for Andrew in his first game.
I was up next against Bruce Ferguson. With Bruce having arrived late due to work commitments I was able to press home an early advantage and take the first two games. Bruce rallied in the third and with my knees aching I was fortunate to squeeze out the 4th before my legs gave up chasing the bouncy blue ball round the court.
Mike Gore and Mike Read finished the night with a fantastic game to watch between two evenly matched players who fought out countless gruelling rallies. In a game which had everything, drives, boasts, drops, toys, prams, handbags, Mike Gore edged out the 5th for a 3-2 Grange win.
Christy managed to find the cooker tonight so Chilli, drinks and chat as normal in the bar afterwards. The only note of concern this evening surrounded club treasurer Nick's dexterity with numbers however I remain convinced his balance sheet will read more easily than his refereeing sheet.
Report:      David Grieve (Unusually victorious Captain.)

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