Sunday, 7 October 2012

Journalists put the professional finish to team reports

Week 1 of the Grange Squash teams season published on GrassRootsSports - wins and photos needed next week!

A big thank you to all the clubmen who ever penned a team report, Sloan Ranger, Cockburnator, Duttz, Grievester, Sloan Leftie, Love-love & Douglaze are the regulars.
  And to the regulare commenters, Myreside MacIntosh and ESClubber plus all the other lurkers from other clubs.


Anonymous said...

Pretty poor cut-and-paste job by the lazy journo hack (I've been reading the Evening News website comments so I know all the terms to use).

They completely missed out the references to Rainbow.

GrangeSquashClub said...

To be fair, the cutting-and-pasting was all mine, Alex did the editing.
References to Rainbow - was that World Squash day?

Loob said...

I like the parody of EEN website comments BTW ;-)