Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Mini-league 5 Results archive

Activity levels dropped off a bit last month - a few injuries have taken their toll and disappointingly a few people did not manage to play their minimum 2 games, so are not with us this time. Let's see if we can get the tempo back up again for this last winter league. It works best if everyone makes an effort to get games organised - please make sure you respond if someone contacts you.

The die is now cast for Minileaguer of the Year awards - winners will be announced on club finals night- Fri, Mar 30 7-9pm.

For new joiners, the rules are on the noticeboard - just organise your games by phone or email, book online and get playing! Please play a minimum of 2 games to keep your place. Any questions, let me know.
Enjoy your games!
Dougie Brown

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