Saturday, 3 March 2012

Allan Hamer - a model sportsman


Anonymous said...

Can we have some background to this cartoon strip please?

I still don't have a clue what happened between Grange and Lloyds a week or two ago.


Loob said...

This is not having a pop at the ESC player, more a pat on the back for Allan for defusing the situation.
Allan was 2-1 up on Grant and ahead in the fourth. Buzzing around the place while Grant was looking tired. Grant had played 1 or 2 great boasts stranded from the back that Allan had got.
This incident saw Grant play another stranded boast, which Allan just popped up off the wall. Grant bellowed about 3 scoops, so much so that the game on the next court between Chris & Kevin stopped... and all the spectators shuffled over.
By now the ref had given Grant a conduct warning for verbal abuse and Grant was talking his way to a default. Allan stepped in, said he honestly believed he got the ball cleanly but as the both disagreed, they should play a let. He defused the situation, where other players might have seen it to an unsavoury conclusion.
Good sense prevailed, the next few rallies saw some adrenaline pumping and Grant got the fourth game back.
Allan didn't dwell on this, but instead got on with winning the fifth handily enough.
Just to be balanced, Chris Gray also displayed exemplary sportsmanship by calling a few of his own gets and mis-hits, most of whom I'd have been happy to take.

For the DLL situation, save yourself a lot of time and just enjoy the corresponding The Comic Strip presents... cartoon